7 weeks of cycling in Turkey in pictures
Before entering Turkey, we were warned by parents and friends back home about cycling through this country. Despite their warnings we...
Turkey - a country torn apart
Between mosques and bazaars, modern shopping centers and large university complexes, we found Ankara depicting the two sides of Turkey...
Cicloturismo, escaladas y algo de política en Turquía.
“Las ideas que merecen la pena no se han de comprender sino de vivir” Conde Harry Kessler 1896 Muchos meses después por fin llegábamos a...
Cycling in the cold in Anatolia
It was lunch time and we were still cycling along the Black Sea coast. The day was gray, at least no rain, but the blue sky seemed to...
Turkey - the Black Sea Region
We arrived at the Turkish border on a sunny Sunday morning. It was relatively warm for the end of December and we were looking forward to...
Turquía: Regresando a tierras de Alá
¨¿Acaso es tiempo mal gastado el que se emplea en vagar por el mundo?¨ Don Quijote. Miguel de Cervantes Era un día extrañamente tranquilo...